My Poetry Books

I have written and published three poetry collections!

Secrets & Stars: to love me, you must also love the dark.

A collection about self-love that feels like returning to the Earth after years spent floating in the dark of space. (Nov 2020, self-published)

“There is nothing to not love about this poetry collection and the magical, moving words of Alix Klingenberg. The editing of the book is so intentional. The first piece “Introduction” lured me in with such sensitive storytelling and vivid imagery. The final title piece, “Secrets and Stars” offered closure but left me wanting more. If you want to be allowed to feel, if you want to be transported to the darkness and the forests and the deepest parts of yourself, and most importantly, if you love foxes and the moon, buy Secrets & Stars.” - Shannon Stephan

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Bread Sex Trees

A collection about the things that make life beautiful even when you’re buried in grief, Bread Sex Trees is a journey through the wheel of the year told in poetry. (Oct 2023, Central Ave Publishing)

Bread Sex Trees is a book of fingertips and treetops, old scars and pressed flowers, intimacy and magic. There is longing and regret in these pages alongside stubborn hope and acceptance. Klingenberg scouts out the tension between what is beautiful and what is infuriating about our own limitations, crafting meaning and identity along the way. This is a lovely, powerful collection.” — Jarod K. Anderson, author of Field Guide to the Haunted Forest and creator of The CryptoNaturalist

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Hermit Season

This is a book that encourages the radical act of doing nothing of consequence for a bit in order to alchemize and integrate our experiences. Hermit Season is not an escape from the world, but rather, a necessary stop on the way back to it. (June 2024, self-published)

This book is more than a book, one that I connected with on a deep and visceral level. It is the ultimate permission to be yourself, to take space for yourself in yourself and emerge anew when ready. It is the journey into your own soul where you stop and smell the pinecone and remind yourself that you are infinite. - Barbara Gianquitto

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